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An experienced Sustainability / Climate Change Mitigation Professional, a Doctorate in Environmental Technology and Master of Technology (Environmental Engineering), with more than 25 years of experience in the area of pollution control, sustainability and climate change mitigation.​

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​​His primary work areas and major interests are :

  • Climate Change Mitigation through Coastal Carbon Capture and other innovative technologies

  • Climate Change & Environmental Policy, Planning and Data Analytics

  • Innovative Market Based Instruments like Carbon Credit and Trading, Water Credit and Trading etc. to address the environmental challenges

  • Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Documents

  • Waste Management Solutions of various waste streams utilizing the 4R principles

  • Air Quality Management using innovative tools such as Satellite Based Measurements, Market Based Instruments like Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) etc.

  • Climate Change & Environmental Management using innovative technologies like Remote Sensing, UAVs & Drones, Artificial Intelligence etc.

  • Contaminated Sites Remediation and Management

  • Coastal & Marine Pollution Management

  • Innovative Business Models for Renewable Energies like Solar, Wind, Tidal etc.


Chirag has the breadth and depth of experience needed to quickly understand entrepreneurs’ businesses and craft the most suitable solutions for various pollution control, environmental and sustainability challenges faced by the businesses.


He worked with Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) for more than 23 years with final decade at GPCB Head Office in Gandhinagar as Divisional Head for various divisions. Additionally during his tenure at Head Office, he was the Nodal Officer for Preparation of Best Available Techniques Reference (BREF) Document at GPCB and Ease of Doing Business Initiative of Government of India as well as the Convener for the Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) & Pilot Emissions Trading Scheme.(


He contributed as Senior Technical Advisor at The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH) (


He currently possess prominent positions and advisory roles :

  • Founder and CEO, Anant LLC ( and Catamaran LLC (

  • CEO, Rupam Eco Green Textile Park Association (6 MLD ZLD-CETP for Textile Industries - A Greenfield Project)(

  • CEO, Swastik Garment Park Association (3 MLD ZLD-CETP for Textile Industries - A Greenfield Project)

  • Sr. Consultant, Council on Energy, Environment and Water, New Delhi - Cleaner Air & Better Health (CABH) - A Project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (

  • Executive Director, Optimor Ventures LLC, USA (

  • Senior Advisor, Universal CO2 Emission and Offset Registry Private Ltd., New Delhi, India (

  • Expert Member BAT (INDIA) and Member of Sub-Group for Study on Cross-Country Comparison of Selected BREFs of BAT Projects of Waste Incineration, Pulp and Paper Sector and Plastic Waste Sector, Environment Directorate, OECD, Paris (

  • Techno-Legal Consultant, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation - Net Zero Cell (

  • Technical Advisor, Hidden Plastic (

  • Ambassador for the Island Innovation Network under their Island Innovation Ambassador Program (

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